Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Bottom line Democrats have supported and endorsed the downward spiral of how a REPUBLIC collapses from within. Anyone with the intelligence that can read this knows. The Roman Empire, Babylonian Dynasty, and many Ancient and in some ways more advanced civilizations were over run or fell apart in thier later days due indirectly to the liberal views and social decay.

At certain points we can see in history where we were able to afford certain second guessing and even rebel peacefully. At other times it has been a mistake and has shown a lack of honor and respect for those in service of our country, you know the same men and women that came before and after all of us. Who decided to serve and die by the beliefs and standards they knew were right in their hearts and come to find out history properly recorded these people as heros.

Some were Republican, some Democrat, but all Americans. In an awful blunder that no one has been able to explain as of yet. George Bush has decided to hand over 6 of our all important and strategic shipping ports. For over two hundred years with the exception of the British no foreign military force large or small has blemished this land and home of both Democrat and Republican. There are two good reasons why we have not been invaded. The Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Two tremendous and obvious obstacles for any larger force to just invade. But we are at odds with a fanatical ideal and religion. Not an army with honor or courage to meet any on the battlefield. Our heros have been limited to a sustained amBUSH in Iraq for literally months now.

Our administration is about to hand over strategic positions that I just described to you are invaluble to our exsistance now and in the past as proven. And last but not least, an army is now on our soil that is following blindly the betrayal and or very negilent decisions dare I say incompetant, of a political leader. I votted for this man twice, I have voted deligantly for 15 years for Republicans, I believe in their standards and ideals for life here. But my God what are we supporting now an invasion of a country that is concluded and ready to handover to the special forces and exisisting government in place and pull these troops out not to stop but to reinsert at better positions and regardless of your political stanzt I am sure you'd agree you enjoy debating, ridaculing, even fighting Liberals. So why is it we are about to commit the only act of destruction Abraham Lincoln warned us of.

Our we so blind in our struggle to prove the opposite side of the isle wrong that we will allow this happen. Dem or Repub or whatever, take a look at what would really break down a country like this one. It isn't an invading army or two towers, a nuke or all the nukes. Its us. You can break down my arugment or discredit my sources or make fun of my spelling, but the truth is it is "We the people" who will make or break our nation. Pay attention to the leadership on either side.

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